Miller's Works

Natural Edge Bowl

I turn each piece on my lathe. For photos of some of the turnings that I have made you can look at my portfolio page.

There are different challanges with making different pieces. No two pieces will be the same. The piece of wood must be chosen, some pieces can be made from wood purchased at the lumber yard but others take a special piece of wood. For example, the large candle holder on my portfolio page is made from a piece of a root and a branch from the same tree. The natural edge bowl at the top of this page is a piece of a branch from the same tree. Of course, these pieces are more expensive because you can't find that exact material again.

Natural edge bowls such as the one shown above start at about $50. Candle sticks like the one mentioned above start at about $65. On the other hand, bowls like the one in the photo that has a bowl and a cup in it starts at $30 and the cup at $25.